physical. 05/05/17

(Photo: Early; Better, in nearly all occasions and situations, than late.)

15 minutes of:

5 Mace shovel (Left)
10 Walking lunge (Mace locked-out in top shovel position)
:15 sec. hold
5 Mace shovel
10 Walking lunge (Mace locked-out in top shovel position)
:15 sec. hold

Lunge starts at top of 5th shovel, and hold starts at top of 10th lunge. Drive both arms straight and above your eyeline (click here for video demonstration), keep hips tucked and guts brutally tight. Weight is scaled to ability and should pose a significant challenge in each round.

Mace shovel starting and ending position should be a seamless transfer from deadlift- make adjustments as needed. If suitable weight is not available, movement may also be scaled by shortening the distance between hands, always leaving the rear hand at the very end of the handle.


Pull-up/ Mixed grip:

Perform 30 total reps in 3-4 rep sets, resting as needed between. Perform the most challenging variations in your toolbox in each set, and insist on full range of motion and sound mechanics in each rep. If available, vary implement in at least a few sets.

Advanced pull-up suggestions include: Weighted, L-pull-up, chest-to-bar, negative. No kip, no butterfly.

And then, violently:

50 calories Airdyne

For this drill, alternate arms + legs (full-body) with arms-only (feet on pegs) in exact 5-calorie intervals, and note time to completion. Drive power from your midline, move the bike with your whole body, and empty the tank.

And finally, “Time under tension”:

25 Mace Good Morning @ self-scaled + 50 1-arm kettlebell swing @ 25lb. W, 35lb. M (cool-down weight)

Switch arms in 5-rep sets; If designated weight is not a cool-down weight, adjust accordingly.

Reminder! (Almost) all movements referenced above are linked to high-quality video demonstrations/ explanations!
Please use them to your advantage!