physical. 06/02/15

Corinne, Lexis. Kickboxing.
Corinne, Lexis. Kickboxing.

6 Turkish Get-up @ 80-90% of 1RM (3 x 1L, 1R)
1 minute rest
6 Turkish Get-up
@ 60-70% (3 x 1L, 1R)
1 minute rest
6 Turkish Get-up
@ 40-50%
1 minute rest
6 Turkish Get-up
@ base weight
1 minute rest
36 Jumping pull-up

36 Rocking chair @ 15lb. W, 25lb. M- use bumper plate
1 minute rest
36 Jumping pull-up
36 Rocking chair
@ 15lb. W, 25lb. M- use bumper plate

Perform “focused rest”: Standardize breathing, reflect on the previous round, and identify pitfalls to avoid in future ones. Mindful rest helps mitigate fatigue.

2 minutes rest, and then, 1 Tabata interval
(:20 sec. work/ :10 sec. rest x 8) of:

Extended arm mace hold (minimum 8kg. W, 10kg. M)

Each position break/ weight to the floor during work round = 1 minute Airdyne.