physical. 08/28/15

Please do some shopping this week in our online store… says this tiny, adorable dog.

Mace 360/ Kettlebell halo:

6 x 6 @ as heavy as possible in each

In strong, stable position and full, organized ranges of motion, challenge the weights for each 6-rep set. If mace 360 is not near-picture-perfect, it is never performed heavy- use kettlebell halo today. Rest as needed between sets, and stay focused during.

Then, 9 rounds of:

6 Mace 360/ Kettlebell halo @ 75% of lightest weight from above
3 Push-up/ Plyometric push up
3-5 breaths rest (no more than :15 sec.)

Scale push-up to ability- range of motion and execution govern variation. Keep rest to :15 sec. or less in each round, and scale weight as soon as position breaks.

And then, skill work:


Fluid, dexterous single-under rope jumping should be possessed prior to practicing double-under. Spend time and make progress- jumprope is one of the simplest and most effective measures of baseline coordination, and should not be overlooked.