physical. 09/15/14

Skill transfer.
Wear the mark.

Axle deadlift:

1 x 10 @ 50% of 1RM

2 x 5 @ 75% of 1RM

5 x 2 @ 75% of 1RM

Rest as needed between sets. If a set requires interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed to perform the next uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “2 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”.

Then, on a :30 second descending clock:

5 Push-up
Slam ball @ 40lb. W, 50lb. M (For remaining time)

Then, on a :60 second descending clock:

10 Push-up
Slam ball @ 30lb. W, 40lb. M (For remaining time)

And then, on a :90 second descending clock:

20 Push-up
Slam ball @ 15lb. W, 20lb. M (For remaining time)

Count and note reps completed per round, and total. Rest up to :45 seconds in between each round. If designated weights cause you to move slowly, use them and work hard. If they create/ force a compromised position, make as minor an adjustment as needed to continue safely. In a short, 3-minute conditioning piece, you get out what you put in.