physical. 10/11/14

Group. Airdyne.
Group. Airdyne.

50/50 Kettlebell strict press:

15 x 1L ,1R

Alternating 1L, 1R, accumulate 30 total reps (15 left, 15 right). Keep kettlebells in-hand for minimum 6 reps, and then rest/ adjust weight as needed. When scheme is listed as “15 x 1L, 1R″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”.

50/50 press features a double kettlebell rack position but a single-arm press. Kettlebell on the “non-working” side assists in keeping tension, and can help us fact-check position. Position considered, weights should match on both sides.

Then, 5 minutes of:

10 Dumbbell power snatch @ 1/4 BW
1 Sled drag (20yd. @ BW)

”Drag” = forward, and “Pull” = backward. Count rounds and completed half-rounds/ reps. If designated snatch weight creates a compromised position, make as minor an adjustment as needed to continue safely.

And then:

Complete 120 sit-ups in 3 minutes.

Strategize based on movement speed and fatigue- select movements and perform sets that allow for a strong pace throughout with minimal fatigue. Alternate movements as desired- use no more than 3 total sit-up variations. Each rep under 120 at the end of 3 minutes = 2 burpees.
(Ex. 90 completed = 60 burpee penalty)