“Depth Charge”

We are always looking for great “risk vs. reward” adjustments- especially in the realms of building safe, transferable baseline conditioning.

Doing burpees until you die is one option, but not usually the best one. Similar to our “Floor to Feet”, the Depth Charge utilizes the same energy system, without placing abnormal demand on some of the corresponding positional challenges.

10 “Prison” jumps + 1 Burpee = 1 “Depth Charge”.

Breathe as little as possible, brace as hard as you can. Insist on jumping in a powerful, organized, hollow body position. And, even in fatigue, the burpee should never turn into a wiggly, flailing mess.


Precursors (all contained within this very Movement Library):

We always recommend addressing each piece, before assembling the puzzle.

(Don’t skip steps, unless you favor impatience over performance… )