physical. 01/07/15

You didn't quit during... Don't quit after.

12 Turkish Get-up @ (up to) 75% of 1RM

Switch arms as desired, and rest as needed in 2-rep intervals.

Then, 12 minutes or 8 rounds (whichever comes first), of:

6 Kettlebell squat thrust + deadlift* @ (up to) 3/4 BW
1 20 yd. sprint
12 Jumping pull-up
Up to 1 minute rest (Optional- use in no more than 3 rounds)

Sprint begins as soon as weight reaches the ground at end of 6th deadlift. Hustle on the switches between movements- Goal is completion of the 8 rounds, and not running out the clock at 12 minutes.

*Use single or double kettlebell in order to reach designated weight.