3 x 5 @ (up to) 75% of 1RM
If a set requires interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed to perform the next uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “3 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”.
Double kettlebell swing clean:
2 x 6 @ 3/4 BW+
Position considered, 3/4 bodyweight is minimum- adjust based on skill level.
And then:
Sandbag shoulder:
2 x 9 @ minimum 85lb. W, 115lb. M
Rest as needed between all sets, but take rest during only as position dictates (I.E. If position breaks, take a tiny rest, collect yourself, and proceed with quality). If designated kettlebell and sandbag weights create/ force compromised positions, make as minor an adjustment as needed to safely complete the drill.
Lastly, at a cool-down pace:
Minimum 6 minutes Airdyne– 3 minutes forward, 3 minutes arms only, interspersed as desired.