(Photo: It doesn’t always have to be everything, but it can never be nothing.)
5 x 5 @ (up to) 80% of 2RM
1 x 10 @ 60%
1 x 15 @ 50%
If sets require interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the next uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “1 x 15″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and execution always govern weight, and each lift should be addressed with intent to injure.
Today: Perform 3 non-standard pull-up/ chin-up (ideally, any handle/ position other than straight bar) + 5L, 5R 1-arm 360 (or 10 light kettlebell halo) immediately following each set of row, and rest reasonably after the three movements are complete.
Kettlebell snatch progression:
20 x 1L, 1R @ aggressive and challenging in each rep
Work to full ability throughout, adjust details as needed, and adjust weight (up or down) in 4-rep intervals.
1 1-arm swing + 1 1-arm swing w/ calculated arm bend + 1 snatch = 1 rep
If mechanics, details, or timing are foreign or still in-progress, please go to linked video for reference. All patterns and details should reinforce and familiarize all others in this drill: That is the point. High-level dexterity and power proficiency does not come by knocking up a bunch of half-cocked completion-based CrossFit reps.
Even if you fancy yourself an expert in the kettlebell snatch, adhere to the progression and rep scheme; The accessories are an intentional part of the work. And who knows; You might even improve.
And then, “Time under tension”:
100 yd. Farmer walk (20 yd each @ BW- 50% in each hand) + 50 calories Airdyne @ cool-down pace + 25 cat/ cow stretch
Farmer walk: If previous outing was performed uninterrupted, congratulations; Increase one interval this time through.
Reminder! (Almost) all movements referenced above are demonstrated and noted on our Movement Library. Please use them to your advantage! No guessing!