4 x 5 @ 70% of 1RM
Rest as needed between sets; Today, each lift features a 5/1000 pause in the locked-out top position before returning the bar safely to the floor. If a full, strong 5/1000 pause becomes unsustainable, make a minor weight adjustment and continue. When scheme is listed as “4 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”.
2 minutes double kettlebell rack hold
(W- minimum 35lb. x 2, M- minimum 55lb. x 2)
40 yd. walking inchworm
40 Weighted Abmat sit-up* @ minimum 1/4 BW
20 Medicine ball shuttle run** (20yd. ea. @ 15lb. W, 20lb. M)
If designated rack hold weight creates/ forces a compromised position, make as minor an adjustment as possible to continue safely. Conversely, if the baseline weights presented do not pose a significant challenge, adjust accordingly. Ball remains in-hand but touches the ground at the end of each shuttle run.
And then, at a non-lazy pace:
5 minutes Airdyne (Forward)
5 minutes Airdyne (Arms only)
*Keep kettlebell/ weight anchored at the solar plexus or above in each and every rep.
**Ball remains in-hand but touches the ground at the end of each shuttle run.