physical. 03/12/16

Walking lunge:

4 x 6 @ (up to) 75% of front squat 2RM

Rest as needed between sets. Lunge may be weighted in any manner and with any implements you choose, with the exception of barbell in the back rack. Goal today is challenging, uninterrupted sets- if set requires interruption, make a minor adjustment and continue. When scheme is listed as “4 x 6″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”.


50 Pull-up (Any anchor, any variation, minimum 5-rep sets)
100 calories Airdyne (Minimum 10-calorie interval)
200 Kettlebell swing (Any weight, any variation, minimum 20-rep sets)

Intersperse movements as desired today, while staying in the designated sets/ intervals. “Interspersing” does not mean wandering around aimlessly and casually between sets- move from one to the other like you have somewhere to be.

And then, 10 reps of:

Hollow position complex”
(4 360 sit-up + 4 V-up + 4 Rocking chair= 1 rep)

Hollow position complex: Goal is completion of each rep (12 movements) without breaking position. Today, if needed, rest no more than :20 sec. between each rep.