9 rounds of the following kettlebell complex:
7 Deadlift
5 High pull
3 Full-range high pull
(Up to) 1 minute rest
Today, entire sequence is performed with one kettlebell- Heaviest 3-rep full-range high pull governs weight in each round. If position breaks or true overhead becomes unsustainable, adjust one interval down and continue safely.
Then, on a 3- minute descending clock, perform:
10 Burpee broad jump
20 calorie Airdyne
30 Kettlebell swing @ 35lb. W, 55lb. M
Today, there is a 50-calorie Airdyne + 25 burpee penalty for non-completion. Hustle, breathe, and move in organized, aggressive positions; Speed is not a substitute for form, even in simple movements, or with a clock in play.
And then, “Time under tension”:
Double kettlebell rack hold @ 1/3 BW + 100 yd. Farmer carry (minimum) @ 3/4 BW
Rack hold: Attempt to hold weight for minimum :30 sec. intervals, and accumulate at least two total minutes. Farmer carry: Attempt to rest in no less than 20 yd. intervals, if needed at all. Both: Stand strong and organized- tension helps build strength, provided we stay engaged in the process