5 x 5 @ 75-80% of 2RM
Rest as needed between sets. If a set requires interruption, make as minor a weight adjustment as possible and continue uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “5 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and range of motion always govern weight.
10L Single kettlebell back squat (All @ 25-30% of back squat 2RM*)
:20 sec. rest
10R Single kettlebell back squat
:20 sec. rest
5L Single kettlebell back squat
:20 sec. rest
5R Single kettlebell back squat
Position and range of motion govern weight- if designated weight causes a break in either, make as minor an adjustment as possible and continue safely.
Kettlebell back squat: Kettlebells sit firmly on top of shoulders, bottoms-down and locked into place, with hands attached to the head throughout. Hands stay attached to head at all times while transitioning in and out of front rack position.
And then:
100 Kettlebell swing @ 35lb. W, 55lb. M
50 Push-up
Sets may be completed as follows:
– Uninterrupted (100 then 50)
– 75 Kettlebell swing + 35 Push-up, then 25 Kettlebell swing + 15 Push-up
– 50 Kettlebell swing + 25 Push-up x 2
If needed, rest is short and specific (3-5 breaths). Scale push-up to ability (up or down).
And finally, “Time under tension”:
Max-duration hold in standing back rack @ weight used above
Stay in the rack, and directly above clips/ spotter arms. Work to “True” failure (loss of physical positioning) not “Relative” failure (loss of mental endurance). If time reaches two minutes, you may stop if desired. If time is under two minutes, do it again, and accumulate at least two total minutes. Stand strong and organized- tension helps build strength, provided we stay engaged in the process.
*Percentages/ rep schemes listed make sense for a back squat 2RM up to 550lb.