Skill work/ proficiency test/ 10RM measurement:
Address the set-up and mechanics, practice short sets at skill work weights, and increase as position and execution improve. Once both are as good as they can be for today, measure a 10-rep weight (5L, 5R).
Today: “Holster” the mace at the end of each rep- inside of biceps and elbows attached to body. This both standardizes a start- and- end point to the movement, and helps ensure that over-straightening of the arm does not lead to wasted or misdirected reps.
“Waking the Dead” 6:55
(Suicidal Tendencies– “Controlled by Hatred/Feel Like Shit… Deja Vu”)
20 Tire smash (10L, 10R- Any variation) @ 6lb. W, 10lb. M
10 Tire/ Box jump (With hammer)
Count and note rounds and partials completed in 6:55 (Ex. 8 rounds + tire smash= 8.1). Demand at least a partial round improvement over last time.
Tire smash: In order for hitting a tire with a hammer to be more than novelty, it needs to be performed with power and fluidity. Focus on mechanics, execution, and timing, and hit the tire like you mean it.
Jump: Be sure to practice jumping with an implement prior to beginning the drill. Ordinarily, we re-set a jump by swinging our arms- not being able to do so (due to holding a hammer) can require some adjustment.
And then, for max calories:
One minute Airdyne sprint
Breathe, focus, and drive. This is a sprint, not a jog- no pacing. Goal is matching output from previous outing; Matching effort should go without saying.