(Photo: It wp-contentears that merely thinking about thinking has become enough for some, which very sadly means,
they’ve won… )
3 x 3 @ 85% of 2RM
3 x 5 @ (up to) 70%
Rest as needed between sets. If a set requires interruption, make as minor a weight adjustment as possible prior to the next. When scheme is listed as “3 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and organized execution always govern weight, and “locked out” always includes a stop of motion.
Then, 7 rounds of:
7 Kettlebell suitcase deadlift
1 minute Farmer hold (starts at top of 7th deadlift)
7 Push-up (Scaled to ability)
1 minute plank hold (starts at top of 7th push-up)
Carefully select weights that challenge both lift and hold- adjust by round as needed; Set-up, brace, and move like you mean it. Soft equals sketchy, and careless equals useless; Focus, lock-in, and don’t under-lift.
Advanced push-up suggestions include: Dynamic push-up, ring push-up, Hindu push-up.
And then, as quickly as possible:
70 Stacked-hand kettlebell swing @ (minimum) 35lb. W, 55lb. M
70 Hollow rock
Take as little rest as possible in each set of movements.
Kettlebell swing reminder: If we lose our strong hinge, back rounds, or legs fail to snap straight in the “drive” portion of the movement, adjust accordingly and continue safely.
Hollow rock: Break into sets that allow for both hard work and high-quality positions (Ex. 20 + 20 + 10, or 7 x 10… ).
Reminder! (Almost) all movements referenced above are linked to high-quality video demonstrations/ explanations! Please use them to your advantage!