(– Charles Bukowski.)
3 x 3 @ (up to) 85% of 1RM
2 x 5 @ (up to) 70%
1 x 9 @ (up to) 50% (perform as double kettlebell swing clean)
Rest as needed between all sets. If a set requires interruption or position breaks, make as minor a weight adjustment as needed and re-do it uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “2 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”.
Then, 4 rounds of:
8L, 8R 1-arm kettlebell row
12 Burpee
(Up to) 1 minute rest
1-arm kettlebell row: Today, weight decreases one interval each round- round 1 starts as heavy as possible for 8 uninterrupted reps each side, and then moves down in each remaining round (Ex. Round 1: 88lb., Round 2: 79lb. Round 3: 70lb., Round 4: 62lb., Round 5: 53lb.).
Burpee: Today, perform any burpee variation you choose, and alternate by round as desired. Suggestions include: Burpee broad jump, “Surf burpee”, lateral burpee, burpee box jump.
Rest: Today, output dictates duration of rest. Heavier weight, vicious pace = more rest. Lighter weight, less vicious pace = much less. Earn the added rest.
And then, on a 3- minute descending clock and with a 50-calorie Airdyne penalty for non-completion, perform:
5 Slam ball @ 40lb. W, 50lb. M
10 calorie Airdyne
20 Bodyweight row (Switch hand position as desired during set)
30 Abmat sit-up @ 15lb. W, 25lb. M
Keep weight anchored at the solar plexus or above in each and every rep of Abmat sit-up. Shoulders touch at the bottom of each rep, butt stays on the ground, posture is upright at the top. Pace is not a substitute for position, even in simple movements.