physical. 05/19/17

(Photo: Critical-think your critical thinking.)

2 high-effort rounds of:

1 minute Farmer hold @ minimum BW
1 minute extended-arm mace hold @ minimum 8kg. W, 10kg. M
1 minute bodyweight row hold (Any hand position/ implement/ anchor)
1 minute jumprope
(Up to) 1 minute rest

Attempt as few breaks as possible during work rounds- any more than two, and the time comes off the 1 minute rest. Scale each round of holds to full ability; There is no value in choosing something you can hold for an eternity.

Reminder: When “minimum” is designated prior to a weight or movement variation, it means we have established and tested it to be a sound baseline for a well-trained beginner/ intermediate-level athlete; Safety and proficiency considered, we should always be looking to work above the minimum.


50 Mace 360:

W- 8kg. & up: 2 x 25
M- 10kg. & up: 2 x 25

Take up to :30 sec. rest between sets of 25, if minimum weight standard is met. If under 8kg./ 10kg., fight hard to complete 50 uninterrupted reps, with any “rest” being taken in an extended-arm hold. Note: 1kg. = 2.2lbs. So, 8kg. = 18lbs., 10kg. = 22lbs.

And then:

1 max rep set push-up
1 minute max calorie Airdyne sprint
1 minute rest
1/2 max rep set push-up
Sprint of max calories accumulated above
(Vary movement as desired in 10-rep intervals)

Push-up: Stay mindful of position and mechanics throughout. Rest as needed/ desired in the pike or plank position to extend set. Even in a “max rep” set, quality still trumps quantity.

Airdyne: Breathe, focus, and drive. This is a sprint, not a jog- no pacing. Goal is matching output from previous outing; Matching effort should go without saying.

Get your ass off the ground” options are: Rocking chair, elevator sit-up, hip-up, front roll, or, if absolutely needed, burpee.

There is no designated rest between push-up, bike, and sit-up- perform quick transitions between movements, and mitigate fatigue by breathing intelligently throughout. Safety considered, there is value to making yourself move in simple conditioning drills.

Reminder! (Almost) all movements referenced above are linked to high-quality video demonstrations/ explanations!
Please use them to your advantage!