5, 3, 2- 2- 2- 2
Rest as needed between sets. Begin at moderate weight (50-60% of 1RM) and lift as heavy as is sustainable through the sets of 2. Weight increases each set (denoted by commas between) until 2, and then, position considered, remains the same (denoted by dashes).
40 yd. sled push @ 115lb. W, 155lb. M
1 minute rest
Time each 40 yd. trip and repeat push + rest until time drops 3 seconds or more (Ex. Round 1: :18 sec., Round 2: :19 sec., Round 3: :19 sec., Round 4: :22 sec.– done.)
And then, at challenging weight, 1 round of:
Kettlebell Sequence #1
Around-the-body pass (Left)
Around-the-body pass (Right)
Figure 8
Overhead swing
Swing clean and press (5L, 5R)
Full-range high pull
Halo (5L, 5R)
Hand-to-hand 1-arm swing
Snatch (5L, 5R)
Goblet squat
Using the same single kettlebell throughout, perform 10 total reps of each movement in order (note L & R). Today, select a weight that allows for uninterrupted sets of each movement, and rest as needed between.