physical. 06/24/14

Dave, Laura. Strict press.
Dave, Laura. Strict press.


7, 5, 3, 3, 3+

Weight increases each set (denoted by commas between). Rest as needed between sets. 7-rep start is 40-50% of 1RM, final 3-rep goal is 80-90% of 1RM. If possible, final set extends past 3 reps.


30 Slam ball @ 35lb. W, 50lb. M
15 Inchworm
20 Slam ball @ 25lb. W, 40lb. M
10 Inchworm
10 Slam ball @ 15lb. W, 30lb. M
5 Inchworm

If designated weights create/ force a compromised position, make as minor an adjustment as needed to continue safely. Regardless of actual starting weight, begin as heavy as possible and end considerably lighter,