physical. 06/24/15


30 Turkish Get-up @ 50-60% of 1RM (3L, 3R x 5)

Rest as needed between arms, and add a 2/1000 pause to any transition point that you are struggling with. If reps become singles or position breaks, adjust weight immediately.

Then, 1 Tabata interval (:20 sec. work/ :10 sec. rest x 8) of:

Battle rope

If counting throws of the rope becomes unsustainable, visual effort is our measuring stick today. Work as hard as you can throughout, and move in strong, organized positions.

And then, skill work:

Kettlebell snatch
Dumbbell power snatch

At skill work weights, practice mechanics, add crispness to technique, and identify troublespots. Perform enough reps of each to make progress, and keep the weights light.

And then:

2 minutes Airdyne (Forward @ 60-70%)
2 minutes Airdyne (Arms only)
1 minute Airdyne (Forward @ 30-40%)
1 minute Airdyne (Arms only)