12 Turkish Get-up @ 75-80% of 1RM
Alternate arms as desired (recommended @ 1L, 1R), and rest as needed.
Then, as quickly as possible:
24 Lateral slam ball (15lb. W, 20lb. M)
24 Sandbag shoulder (65lb. W, 85lb. M)
24 Pull-up/ Chin-up/ Mixed grip (No kipping)
Insist on full range of motion in all pull-up, and switch hand positions as needed/ desired.
And then, 1 Tabata interval (20 sec. work/ 10 sec. rest x 8) of:
L-sit/ L-hang/ Hollow hold
Begin with L-sit and only adjust to L-hang and/ or hollow if position breaks. Score is number of rounds completed in L-sit.
Photo: Please feel free to steal and re-post. If you would like a higher resolution version, send us an email.
Reminder! (Almost) all movements referenced above are demonstrated and noted on our Movement Library. Please use them to your advantage! No guessing!