physical. 07/28/15

Do you think, or do you know?


5 x 3 @ 75-80% of recent 2RM
1 x max rep @ 50% of 2RM

Rest as needed between sets. If sets require interruption (provided lifts are performed at current, accurate percentages) pause as briefly as needed and complete without decreasing weight. Reminder: Position and execution always govern weight.


15 Bodyweight row
30 Kettlebell swing @ 75% of 5RM
12 Bodyweight row
30 Kettlebell swing @ 50% of 5RM
9 3/1000 Bodyweight row
30 Kettlebell swing @ 1/4 BW
6 3/1000 Bodyweight row
30 Kettlebell swing @ 1/4 BW
3 3/1000 Bodyweight row
30 Kettlebell swing @ 1/4 BW

3/1000 row: In this variation, we hold for a full 3/1000 count in the top position- whether it be chest-to-bar, chest-through-rings/ rope, our goal is keeping the chest even with the hands for the full count on all reps. Kettlebell swing: If rest is needed during sets, keep it short and specific. If designated weight breaks position, adjust one interval down and continue safely.

And then, 2 rounds at cool-down pace:

1 minute Airdyne (Arms only)
1 minute Airdyne (Legs only)
1 minute Airdyne (Both)