Positional and mechanical improvement:
Kettlebell complexes and hand-to-hand transitions
Transitioning fluidly from one movement to another, into and out of a lift, and/ or from side-to-side are vastly overlooked aspects of general kettlebell lifting; Their value, in our opinion, cannot be overstated.
The more energy required to begin/ transition between movements, the less we have for the lift/ drill itself. Fluidity increases efficiency, and both open the door to progress; Clunky is very seldom progressive.
Today, at skill work weights and with the guidance of a qualified trainer, practice the transitional details of the standard kettlebell movements (swing, clean, snatch + variations) and make improvement in each.
Start with the basic variations of each and add difficulty/ weight as wp-contentropriate. Accumulate lots of quality reps, and add weight to fact-check position as needed.
Then, 8 rounds of:
2L, 2R Kettlebell clean
2 Tire flip
1 minute rest
Today, position considered, kettlebell clean weight increases in 2-set intervals (Ex. sets 1-2: 88lb., sets 3-4: 97lb., sets 5-6: 124lb…).
Tire flip: Mind position and execution, and move with power. Use assistance as needed, and stay aggressive- there is absolutely no value to a casual tire flip.
Attach, brace, adjust, re-brace, and drive; The steps don’t have to take long, but they need to occur.
And then, immediately and with a partner:
60 Medicine ball throw (12ft. distance @ 8/ 10lb. W, 10/ 12lb. M)
:60 sec. rest
50 Medicine ball throw
:50 sec. rest
40 Medicine ball throw
:40 sec. rest
:30 Medicine ball throw
:30 sec. rest
20 Medicine ball throw
:20 sec. rest
10 Medicine ball throw
Today, weight is light, pace should be vicious.
With a partner, stand a reasonable distance apart (today, wp-contentrox. 12 feet) and throw/ receive medicine ball. Throw side-to-side using strong rotation (not underhand or overhand) and attempt to re-throw as soon as the ball is caught. Throw the ball “at”, not “to”, your partner. Start in a neutral stance and allow footwork to adapt based on direction of throw.