9 rounds of the following kettlebell complex:
7 Deadlift
5 High pull
3 Full-range high pull
(Up to) 1 minute rest
Today, entire sequence is performed with one kettlebell- Heaviest 3-rep full-range high pull governs weight in each round. If position breaks or true overhead becomes unsustainable, adjust one interval down and continue safely.
Then, 4 rounds of:
1 minute Farmer hold @ minimum BW
1 minute rest
1 minute double kettlebell rack hold @ minimum 3/4 BW
1 minute rest
Today, any rest taken during work round comes off the minute in between.
If minimum specified weights do not pose a significant challenge, scale to your ability; If chosen weight goes to the ground more than twice in any round, adjust before beginning the next.
And then, as quickly as possible, 2 rounds of:
20 Slam ball @ 15lb. W, 25lb. M
15 Push-up
10 Burpee
5 Push-up
There is no designated rest here; Safety considered, there is value to making yourself move in simple conditioning drills. Focus on breathing and mechanics, and tune out fatigue. If this takes more than five minutes (arguably four), we’ve made a mistake. Reset, and repeat.