physical. 09/30/17

(Photo: We never know when we will need to wp-contently our strongest force, but we will never know if we can, until we do… )

5 rounds of:

5 Kettlebell suitcase deadlift
20 yd. Farmer carry
(starts at top of 5th deadlift)
5 Chin-up
10 Push-up
(Scaled to ability)
1 minute plank hold (starts at top of 10th push-up)
:20 sec. rest

Carefully select weights that challenge both lift and hold- adjust by round as needed; Set-up, brace, and move like you mean it. Soft equals sketchy, and careless equals useless; Focus, lock-in, don’t under-lift, and don’t over-rest.

If suitable weight kettlebells are not available, get creative and make it work with what you have. If dumbbells are available at suitable weights, elevate them off the ground to mid-shin height using plates or blocks.


50 Suitcase lunge @ 1/2 BW +
50 calories Airdyne
50 360 sit-up

Complete in order, and uninterrupted. If rest is needed, keep it short and specific (3 breaths/ :15 sec. or less) and taken only during lunge. Standardize movement, standardize breathing, mind your mind; Every good rep should look and feel the same.

Lunge: Position governs weight. If range changes, or mechanics break, adjust accordingly and continue safely.

Airdyne: This is a sprint, not a jog. Drive forward, and empty the tank. Switch from all-fours to arms-only in no less than 5-calorie intervals

360 sit-up: If over one year attendance, switch directions in each rep.

And then, “Time under tension”:

25 Goblet squat @ 1/2 BW (break into several sets as needed)
50 Abmat sit-up
25 cat/ cow stretch

Abmat sit-up is any variation you choose, and adjusted between them as desired. Mind position and mechanics, and draw value. Keep rest to :15 sec. or less, no more than twice.

Reminder! (Almost) all movements referenced above are linked to high-quality video demonstrations/ explanations!
Please use them to your advantage!