physical. 10/07/17

(Photo: Especially relevant on a simple-but-not-easy Saturday; Standards are standards…
If they shifted with the tide, they’d be called something else.

Double kettlebell rack hold:

10 x 1 minute @ as heavy as possible, moving down one interval every 2 sets (2 minutes @ each weight)

Make ambitious choices, and work with intent and focus to keep weight off the ground for one full minute.
Rest briefly between sets (up to :30 sec.), and pay close attention to safety and efficiency in the pick-ups and put-downs.
Missed lifts and sloppy landings will suck valuable energy from the work sets.

Change weight a minimum of one interval every 2 rounds/ 2 minutes (Using 5 weights total).

Then, 20 rounds of:

1 Pull-up
2 Airplane push-up
(add plyometric as wp-contentropriate)
3 Kettlebell deadlift @ BW
4 Bodyweight row
:20 sec. rest

Position and range of motion govern variation in all movements, and weight in the kettlebell deadlift; Do not allow combination with bodyweight movements to detract from attention to each rep of the weighted movement. Speed is never a substitute for form, and bracing and tension are never suggestions.

And then, “Time under tension”:

5 attentive rounds of:

5 V-up
5 Abmat sit-up
10 Cat/ cow stretch
10 calorie Airdyne
@ cool-down pace

Sit-up and simple, medium-paced movement are both accessories to finish the week, and thorough, active cool-down. Mind position, stay engaged, and draw value. Or, don’t.

Reminder! (Almost) all movements referenced above are linked to high-quality video demonstrations/ explanations!
Please use them to your advantage!