5 rounds of:
2 Sled pull (20 yd. each @ BW)
10 Goblet squat @ minimum 1/3 BW
Minimum 1 minute rest
”Drag” = forward, and “Pull” = backward. Kettlebell travels either on the sled or on your body and transition is seamless from sled to squat. Goblet squat weight is scaled to ability for 10 quality, uninterrupted reps- position and range of motion considered, 1/3 BW is minimum.
And then:
100 Kettlebell kayak @ 1/4 BW
Rest will be needed- keep it short, and maximize it through intelligent breathing and focus on the objective. Our “kayak” is a full-range Russian Twist and involves organized trunk rotation and a touch of the implement to the ground on both sides of the body. Today, L + R side touch = 1 rep.