5 x 3 @ 75% of 1RM
Rest as needed between sets. If a set requires interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed to perform the next uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “5 x 3″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”.
Up to 2 minutes rest, then, 4 rounds of:
8 2-sec. overhead kettlebell swing @ 50% of 5RM “Short swing”
16 Airplane push-up*
24 revolutions Airdyne @ 100%
2-second overhead swing reaches but does not cross the vertical plane and holds there for a full 2/1000. The count starts when the weight stops moving. Keep a neutral spine and active shoulders at all times. (Keep your back straight and push the weight to the ceiling.)
Airplane push-up: Simply begin and end with chest/ guts on the ground and hands and hips off the ground.