physical. 10/24/16

He's warming up. Leave him alone.

Bench press:

7 x 5 @ 75-80% of 2RM

Rest as needed between sets. If sets require interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the next uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “7 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and range of motion always govern weight.


Kettlebell high-pull + Goblet catch:

5 x 5 @ 2 intervals above heaviest kettlebell clean

Rest as needed between sets. Each set should be difficult, violent, and feature sound positioning throughout.

Focus in this movement variation is a powerful, dynamic kettlebell high pull transitioning into an organized and aggressive “catch” in the standard Goblet position (hands on side of handles, forearms driven into sides of kettlebell). Hold for a 2/1000, quickly re-position hands, and re-trace steps to the ground.

Organization of movement, power, timing, and dexterity all play an equal part in the safe and heavy completion of this lift.

And then, 5 aggressive minutes of:

50 Jumprope
5 Push-up

Count rounds completed, and attempt no rest. If range of motion or mechanics fail in push-up, scale immediately. Partial reps are wasted reps.

And finally, “Time under tension”:

25 Dowel partial pull-over + 50 Hollow rock

Partial pull-over is active cool-down, and should be performed in organized positions- only pull dowel over to point of position break, maintain a brief hold, and repeat. Goal is opening up the upper body after a pulling/ rotation day, and improving position for next time.

Break during hollow rock as needed to maintain integrity of movement; No lazy reps.