7 rounds of:
5 Bench press @ (up to) 75% of 2RM
:30 sec. rest
5L, 5R Kettlebell row @ as heavy as possible in each round
1 minute rest
If sets at chosen weight require interruption, make a minor adjustment and perform the next uninterrupted. Reminder: Position and range of motion always govern weight.
Then, 5 rounds of:
3 Kettlebell high pull @ as close to BW as possible
3 Burpee
:15 sec. rest
Attentive, aggressive set-ups and lifts in each round. Seamless, aggressive transitions from movement to movement.
And then, as quickly as possible:
25 Kettlebell high pull @ (up to 1/2 BW)
25 Bodyweight row
25 Burpee
And finally, “Time under tension”:
25 Dowel partial pull-over + 25 cat/ cow stretch + 25 calories Airdyne @ cool-down pace
Partial pull-over is active cool-down, and should be performed in organized positions- only pull dowel over to point of position break, maintain a brief hold, and repeat. Goal is opening up the upper body after a pulling/ rotation day, and improving position for next time.