(Photo: Quote featured in “Becoming a Barbarian“ by Jack Donovan.
Available here.)
3 x 5 @ 75-80% of 2RM
Double kettlebell front squat:
5 x 5 @ heaviest set from 10/22/16
If sets require interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the next uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “3 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”. Reminder: Position and range of motion always govern weight.
Today: Perform 5 push-up and 15 kettlebell swing @ max 35lb. W, 55lb. M immediately following each set of squat. Rest as needed once the three movements are complete.
50 Goblet squat @ minimum 35lb. W, 55lb. M
100 Kettlebell swing @ minimum 35lb. W, 55lb. M
200 Jumprope
Position, pace, weight- in that order. Move quickly, and properly, and add weight to challenge your full ability. If rest is needed, keep it short and specific (3 breaths or less/ no more than :15 sec.).
And then, “Time under tension”:
50 Cat/ cow stretch + Anchored squat @ 15lb. W, 25lb. M
Work to “True” failure (loss of physical positioning) not “Relative” failure (loss of mental endurance). If time reaches two minutes, you may stop if desired. If time is under two minutes, do it again, and accumulate at least two total minutes.
Ultimately, work until you feel you have made sufficient cool-down/ mobility progress.