Climb to a new 1RM using warm-up sets of no more than 2 reps (each side) before adjusting weight. Rest as needed, and keep total number of lifts under 12 (Ex. 2L + 2R x 2, 1L + 1R as needed).
Note: Achieving a 1RM is not done at all cost of mechanics, form, range of motion, or composure. Unless there’s money on the line, position and execution always govern weight.
Then, 1 Tabata interval (:20 sec. work/ :10 sec. rest x 8) of:
Battle rope
(Alternating with)
1-arm plank hold (Organized top of push-up)
Keep pace and position strong, and match effort throughout. Today, efficient transitions between movements will make or break the drill.
Plank: Brace and/ or balance as needed with non-working arm, and switch arms as needed.
Immediately upon completion, and for max calories:
One minute Airdyne sprint
One minute rest
Match calories within 1:10 sec.
Breathe, focus, and drive. Both rounds are a sprint, not a jog- no pacing. Even if time goal is missed, complete calorie match as fast as possible.
And finally, “Time under tension”:
30 calories Airdyne (alternating 5c arms + legs/ 5c arms-only) @ cool-down pace