(Photo: You may ask nicely if you’d like, but your request will likely be refused. )
10, 10, 10, 10- 10- 10
Weight increases when denoted by commas, and then remains the same for a strong 3 x 10 (denoted by dashes). Begin at a moderate, challenging weight and end as heavy as possible; Each set should be difficult, violent, and positionally sound.
Then, 5 rounds of:
15 Bodyweight row
30 Mace front pendulum
15 Box jump @ 10lb. W, 15lb. M (use bumper plate)
Weight for front pendulum and height for box jump are scaled to ability, and ambitious but sustainable; As always, position and range of motion govern weight.
No designated rest here- if needed, keep it short and specific, and take after box jump.
Stay tall and upright, and do not allow designated weight to break posture/ unwind bracing in take-off or landing; soft equals sketchy.
Be sure to practice jumping with an implement prior to beginning the drill. Ordinarily, we re-set a jump by swinging our arms- not being able to do so (due to holding a bumper plate) can require some adjustment.
And then, “Time under tension”:
25 Mace Good Morning @ self-scaled + 50 1-arm kettlebell swing @ 35lb. W, 55lb. M (5 x 5L, 5R)
Kettlebell swing: If designated weight is not a cool-down weight, adjust accordingly.
Reminder! (Almost) all movements referenced above are linked to high-quality video demonstrations/ explanations!
Please use them to your advantage!