physical. 12/09/17

(Photo: Time, the destroyer.)

5 Sled drag (20yd. @ BW)

“Drag” = forward, “Pull” = backward.

Today, load a sled with your full bodyweight (if in doubt, guess high), and move uninterrupted for 5 x 20 yd. trip.

Then, 2 attentive, aggressive rounds of:

5L, 5R Kettlebell row @ 1/2 BW
10 Rocking chair @ 1/4 BW (use bumper plate)
5L, 5R Kettlebell row @ 1/2 BW
10 Elevator sit-up @ 1/4 BW (use bumper plate)

If designated weight creates compromised positions, adjust accordingly and continue safely; That being said, “extreme difficulty” is not a “compromised position”.

And then, as quickly as possible, 5 rounds of:

10 Push-up
5 Bodyweight row
5 Burpee broad jump
150 Jumprope

Simple, steady hustle. Demand position, violence of action, and composure; Lazy, soft, inattentive versions of any of these movements are next-to useless.

Reminder: If mechanics or range of motion fail, scale accordingly to ensure both progress and safety; Leave the ego out of the equation- excellent, scaled push-ups are far better than crwp-contenty, broken “unscaled” ones.

And then, “Time under tension”:

(Timed) 15-calorie Airdyne sprint + 50 “Prison” or banded Abmat sit-up + 50 calories Airdyne @ cool-down pace + simple, unloaded, movement-based cool-down; Insulate what we need, fix what we broke.

“Prison”: Variation features both hands on back of the head, and elbows pointed to the sides throughout. If that position loses integrity, rest briefly, and either find it or adjust it.

Banded: Set Abmat behind you, not underneath you (a few inches from your body, not wedged underneath like a doorstop). With feet placed at/ around hip width, and band placed across the scapula and driven tight with strong external rotation, perform sit-ups without allowing butt to come off the ground or posture to break. Keep a strong, organized arch, and drive hips forward at the top of each rep.

Reminder! (Almost) all movements referenced above are linked to high-quality video demonstrations/ explanations!
Please use them to your advantage!