4 x 10 @ 40-50% of 1RM
Rest as needed between sets. If a set requires interruption make as minor an adjustment as needed and re-do it uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “4 x 10″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”.
Then, 5 rounds of:
10 Overhead walking lunge (1-arm @ 40-50% of Turkish Get-up 1RM)
15 Jumping pull-up
20 Sit-up variation (Vary by round as desired, and scale to ability)
Lunge: Switch arms as needed/ desired during each set. If lock-out breaks, adjust weight immediately and continue safely.
Sit-up variations include:
Hollow rock/ hold (1 honest minute= 1 set)
Superman hold/ rock (1 honest minute= 1 set)
Rocking chair
L-sit (1 honest minute= 1 set)
Ab wheel
Kayak** (25lb. W, 45lb. M)
Make challenging choices throughout, and keep positions strong.
*If you’ve been with us 6 months or more, you may only use Abmat in 1 of the 5 rounds. 6 months or less- maximum of 2.
**Our “kayak” is a full-range Russian Twist and involves trunk rotation and a touch of the implement to the ground on both sides of the body. Today, L + R side touch= 1 rep.
Reminder! (Almost) all movements referenced above are demonstrated and noted on our Movement Library. Please use them to your advantage! No guessing!