physical. 12/15/14

We are very fortunate to exist in an era of athletics where “stretching” is no longer a guessing game. Take full advantage- do the work that improves the work…

5 rounds of:

3 Hang power clean
5 Front squat
3 Push press/ Push jerk

Weight is 50-60% of push press 1RM- Make minor adjustments as needed if sets require interruption. Rest as needed after push press is complete in each round- Safety considered, bar stays on your body for 11 total reps.

Then, as quickly as possible, 2 rounds of:

1 minute Airdyne @ 75-80%
5 Slam ball (40lb. W, 50lb. M)
10 Slam ball (30lb. W, 40lb. M)
15 Slam ball (20lb. W, 30lb. M)
:20 sec. rest

Avoid rest outside of the designated :20 seconds. If designated weights create a compromised position, adjust one interval down and continue. Hammer position and breathe with focus on both the bike and slam ball- Sloppy work expedites fatigue.