3 minutes of:
Kettlebell swing @ 55lb. W, 70lb. M
Accumulate as many quality reps as possible, and utilize short, specific rest (3 breaths or less) only as needed.
1 minute rest, then 12 minutes of:
Count and note number of completed rounds and half-rounds.
Focus on efficient, high-paced movement and specific breathing.
Minimum requirements:
1 to 3 months attendance: 20 sets minimum
4 to 12 months attendance: 25 sets minimum
12 months + attendance: 30 sets minimum
If wp-contentlicable, each set under the requirement at the end of 12 minutes equals 2 minutes on the Airdyne.
Then, 10 reps:
“Hollow position complex”
(4 360 sit-up + 4 V-up + 4 Rocking chair= 1 rep)
Hollow position complex: Goal is completion of each rep (12 movements) without breaking position. Today, if needed, rest up to :30 sec. between each round.