physical. 01/28/14

Back squat:

20 reps @ 40% of 1RM
1 minute rest
15 reps @ 60% of 1RM
1 minute rest
10 reps
@ 80% of 1RM
1 minute rest

Then, with a partner:

30 revolutions Airdyne


Double kettlebell rack hold (W- 35lb. x 2, M- 55lb. x 2 M)

x 6

Start pedaling once kettlebells are in the rack position- not before. If the weight goes to the ground before 30 revolutions are complete, perform 10 burpees each at the end of part 3.

And then, also with a partner and for time:

20 Double-unders*



x 8

In parts 2 and 3: Each partner completes 1 turn at each station in each round. Switch occurs immediately and ferociously upon completion of lead movement. Today- if working alone, time your first round, add 10 seconds, and perform the alternating movement for that duration.

*If double-unders aren’t yet in your toolbox, substitution today is 60 reps high-knee jumprope.