3 x 3 @ 85% +
2 x 5 @ (up to) 75% of 1RM
Rest as needed between sets. If a set requires interruption make as minor an adjustment as needed and re-do it uninterrupted. When scheme is listed as “2 x 5″, it always refers to “Sets” x “Reps”.
Kettlebell high pull + Goblet squat
5 x 5 @ (up to) 50% BW
High pull/ Goblet squat: Focus on quick transitions between top of high pull, catch in Goblet position, and squat. Rest as needed between, and adjust weight if sets require interruption.
Then, 9 rounds of:
3 Bodyweight row
1 Chin-up
3 Ab wheel roll-outs (Or, if position breaks, 6 V-up)
1 minute Airdyne @ max effort
Bodyweight row/ Chin-up: Scale to ability in each round. Add incline to the row, weight to the chin, or any other adjustment that poses a challenge.