physical. 03/04/14

Shaun. Airdyne.

30 Turkish Get-up @ 75% of 1RM
60 Box step @ 1/2 BW

Take short, specific rest only as needed.

Turkish Get-up: Alternate arms as desired- if weight poses a significant challenge, switch early and often to delay fatigue and help maintain form.
Box step: Demand upright posture and lots of tension- Drive through the hip and up (not forward) in each step. Today, before scaling weight, change the height of the stepping platform- chosen height should not put the knee above the hip.


3 minutes Airdyne (Forward, dowel/ empty bar in back squat rack)
3 minutes Airdyne (Backward, no arms)
3 minutes Airdyne (Arms only)

And then:

Overhead/ Hip mobility

Analyze your performance in the past 2 training days and do some work on whichever position needs it most. Spend enough time to make progress (10+ minutes).