1 max rep set @ 60% of 1RM
Rest as needed in a strong top position. If position breaks or bar returns to the rack, set is over.
Then, 4 rounds of:
4 Kettlebell push press (Left @ challenging and uninterrupted)
4 1-arm kettlebell row (Left @ challenging and uninterrupted)
4 Kettlebell push press (Right @ challenging and uninterrupted)
4 1-arm kettlebell row (Right @ challenging and uninterrupted)
(Up to) 2 minutes rest
Begin round 1 as heavy as possible, and scale weight by round as position breaks or sets require interruption. Today: Use same weight for push press and row- weaker of the two lifts governs weight in each round.
And then, 2 rounds of:
20 1-arm kettlebell swing @ 35lb. W, 55lb. M (Switch arms as desired)
20 Rocking chair @ 25lb. W, 45lb. M- use bumper plate
20 calorie row
Keep an aggressive pace and a strong focus on position and execution of each movement- one will lead directly to the other.