8 2-count Turkish Get-up* @ 30% of 1RM
1 minute rest
6 Turkish Get-up (Standard) @ 60% of 1RM
1 minute rest
4 Turkish Get-up (Standard) @ 90% of 1RM
Switch arms as desired in each round.
Rest as needed, then:
WB Benchmark
“Feel Your Pain” 3:28 (Suicidal Tendencies — Join The Army)
10 Band crawls
5 Push-up (Chest to ground, elbows locked @ top)
Count rounds and half-rounds completed in 3:28
And then, 5 fast rounds of:
:45 sec. Airdyne @ 75%
90 High-knee jumprope
*Our 2-count TGU helps us break the movement down into specific pieces by requiring a 2/1000 count at each transition point (There are 9). If we are skipping steps, making a technical error, or trying to hurry through a portion of the movement we are weak at, the 2/1000 will catch it and force an adjustment.