physical. 03/29/14


20 Turkish Get-up @ 60% of 1RM
20 Bench press @ 60% of 1RM
20 Tire flip

Switch arms as desired during Turkish Get-up, and partition bench press only as needed. Take short, specific rest only as needed.

Then, faster:

20 Full-range lunge*
20 Dip
20 Inchworm

And then, for time:

100 revolutions Airdyne (Forward)
100 revolutions Airdyne (Backward)

*Our full-range lunge begins with a forward lunge and continues into a reverse lunge without the foot touching in the middle. Step far enough forward and back to maintain 90-degree knee bend at the bottom in both directions. Maintain a stable, upright torso throughout.

Reminder! (Almost) all movements referenced above are demonstrated and noted on our Movement Library. Please use them to your advantage! No guessing!

Movement Library