physical. 04/19/14


10 minutes of:

2 Turkish Get-up*
10 Pull-up

Count rounds and completed half-rounds for score. Alternate arms as desired on Turkish Get-up, and adjust and/ or scale pull-up variation as needed/ desired (no butterfly).

And then, for time: “Composure Recovery Drill”

12 Kettlebell swing (All at 35lb. W, 55lb. M)
6 Front roll

x 4

:20 seconds rest, then:

12 Kettlebell swing
6 Front roll

x 2

24 Kettlebell swing

x 1

Goal today is achieving a quick, seamless transition from front roll back into the next movement. Pay attention to the details of each, and breathe specifically throughout. Outside of the designated :20 seconds, there is no rest.

And then, also for time:

20 reps Squat Complex (20lb. W, 30lb. M)

1 rep “Squat Complex” = 1 regular squat + 1 jump squat + 1 left lunge + 1 right lunge. Today, kettlebell/ weight is held in the Goblet position.

*Weight on Turkish Get-up is self-scaled today, and should amount to no more than 40-50% of 1RM. Goal is quick, meticulous get-ups with no pause at the bottom- choose weight accordingly.