Power clean + Front squat:
3- 3- 3- 3- 3 @ 75-80% of power clean 1RM
1 Power clean + 1 Front squat= 1 rep. Stand up strong from power clean, and then begin front squat. Weight starts and stays at 75-80% of 1RM (denoted by dashes). Rest as needed between sets.
Then, with a partner, 5 rounds of:
Airdyne vs. Sit-up
Partner 1 rides Airdyne @ 75% for :45 seconds.
Partner 2 performs as many sit-ups as possible.
1 round= Airdyne + sit-up. Hustle on the switches.
Sit-up rounds, in order:
1- 360
2- Rocking chair
3- V- up
4- Kettlebell kayak*
5- Abmat
Count total sit-up reps for score, and work hard to match output throughout. Matching effort should not come into question.
*Our “kayak” is a full-range Russian Twist and involves trunk rotation and a touch of the implement to the ground on both sides of the body. L + R side touch= 1 rep.