Front squat:
3- 3- 3- 3- 3 @ 85-90% of 1RM
Weight stays the same throughout (denoted by dashes). If designated weight creates a compromised position, make as minor an adjustment as needed to continue safely. Rest as needed between sets.
Up to 5 minutes rest, then:
20 Turkish Get-up @ 50-60% of 1RM (2L, 2R x 5)
Rest as needed/ desired, and add a 2/1000 pause to any transition point that you are struggling with.
Then, 1 round of:
Kettlebell Sequence #1
Around-the-body pass (Left)
Around-the-body pass (Right)
Figure 8
Overhead swing
Swing clean and press (5L, 5R)
Full-range high pull
Hand-to-hand 1-arm swing
Snatch (5L, 5R)
Goblet squat
Using the same single kettlebell throughout, perform 10 total reps of each movement in order. Today, round is performed at skill work weight.