physical. 07/02/14

Ashley Corson Wolf Brigade Subject Matter Expert
Ashley. Chin-up.

In order, top-to-bottom:

50 Dumbbell power snatch @ max 25lb. W, 45lb. M
25 Pull-up (No kip)

1 round of: Kettlebell Sequence #1

Around-the-body pass (Left)
Around-the-body pass (Right)
Figure 8
Overhead swing
Swing clean and press (5L, 5R)
Full-range high pull
Halo (5L, 5R)
Hand-to-hand 1-arm swing
Snatch (5L, 5R)
Goblet squat

Sequence #1 consists of 10 total reps of each movement (note L & R).

1 round of: Kettlebell Sequence #2

7 1-arm swing (Left)
5 Snatch (Left)
3 Turkish Get-up (Left)
1 Windmill (Left)
7 1-arm swing (Right)
5 Snatch (Right)
3 Turkish Get-up (Right)
1 Windmill (Right)

Position considered, use the same single kettlebell throughout.

25 Chin-up (No kip)
50 1-arm kettlebell swing @ max 35lb. W, 55lb. M

Today focuses on position, execution, fluidity. Pace and weight are distant seconds. Take time, make adjustments, work hard.
Power snatch/ Kettlebell swing:
Switch arms as desired, and choose a weight that allows for at least 5 quality, uninterrupted reps. Today, weights for sequence 1 & 2 are self-scaled: Moderate, but challenging, and governed by the weakest lift in each.

Reminder! (Almost) all movements referenced above are demonstrated and noted on our Movement Library. Please use them to your advantage! No guessing!

Movement Library