physical. 08/04/15

Self defense.
In the event that something unexpected occurs, it is better to have and not need, than need and not have; Denial is not a sound strategy for personal defense.

50 Turkish Get-up:

10 @ 75% of 1RM (1L, 1R x 5)
10 @ 50% (1L, 1R x 5)
20 @ 30-40% (2L, 2R x 5)
10 @ 15lb. W, 25lb. M (Performed as bottoms-up Turkish Get-up)

Rest as needed between reps/ arms, and focus on every detail. If one single element of the lift falls apart, weight decreases for all remaining reps.

Then, 5 aggressive minutes:

Jumprope/ Burpee failure drill

If we miss during the 5 minutes due to form or fatigue, immediately perform burpee and then resume work (Under 6 months attendance: 3 burpee per miss. Over 6 months: 5 burpee per miss).

Question: Would we rather hustle and push the pace while jumping rope and risk performing some burpees, or take the safe, slow route in an attempt to avoid them? Answering a question with a question: Are we here to truly improve mental and physical conditioning, or perform casual, low-intensity pseudo-aerobics?

Hustle hard and attempt to accumulate reps, not simply avoid burpees.