In 3 minutes, as many reps as possible of:
Kettlebell Figure 8 (35lb. W, 55lb. M)
If rest is needed during, keep it short and specific (3 breaths or less). Kettlebell stays in-hand for duration of the round. Work as close to designated weight as possible with excellent form and position.
Kettlebell on the ground = 50 Burpees, completed at the end of the round.
Rest as needed, then 1 challenging round of:
Kettlebell Sequence #2
7 1-arm swing (Left)
5 Snatch (Left)
3 Turkish Get-up (Left)
1 Windmill (Left)
7 1-arm swing (Right)
5 Snatch (Right)
3 Turkish Get-up (Right)
1 Windmill (Right)
Position considered, use the same single kettlebell throughout. Rest briefly between movements as needed. Weakest lift in the sequence dictates weight.
And then, skill work:
Sit-up variations (L-sit, hollow hold/ rock, Superman, Ab wheel, knees-to-elbows, windshield wiper)
Practice several of the movements above, and note improvement in each. Start with the basic versions of each, and practice more difficult variations as wp-contentropriate. Spend at least 10 minutes working hard, knowing that the strength these movements develop will transfer into many (if not most…) others.
In the context above, “low-level variables” include diet, mood, ego, location/ equipment, frustration… All which can be used as convenient excuses to derail or delay progress, and all of which can and must be controlled and navigated properly to move past the beginning stages of physical and/ or mental progress.
A simple way of wp-contentroaching it is asking “What can and will I accomplish when the situation is ideal?” vs. “What can and will I accomplish when the situation is stacked against me?” Ideal is easy, the other is not.
Making excuses is easy; developing expertise is… not. In answering the two questions above, refer to the concepts a little further above. What you view vs. what you DO… and how often and attentively you do it.
There is no such thing as “Occasional relentlessness”.
There is no value in being “Partially unstoppable”.
High-level progress requires the limiting of low-level variables.
Reminder! (Almost) all movements referenced above are demonstrated and noted on our Movement Library. Please use them to your advantage! No guessing!