physical. 09/29/17

(Photo:What feels like captivity, may actually be freedom.)

20 Mace shovel + 5/1000 hold @ top of each (Left)
20 Mace shovel + 5/1000 hold @ top of each (Right)
10 Mace shovel (Left- locked-out, no pause)
10 Mace shovel (Right- locked-out, no pause)

20 Mace 360 + 5/1000 extension (5/1000 hold in each rep- left)
20 Mace 360 + 5/1000 extension (5/1000 hold in each rep- right)
20 Mace 360 (Left- reset to holster each rep, no extension)
20 Mace 360 (Right- reset to holster each rep, no extension)

Weight in both movements is self-scaled, and unless high-level proficiency is demonstrated in 360, should be different. Take short, specific rest as needed in no more than 5-rep intervals. If rest is needed more frequently, either adjust your mind, or adjust the weight.

Additionally, counts do not shorten as we fatigue; 5/1000 is always 5/1000, and better as 6/1000 than as 4/1000.

Mace shovel: Lower body starting and ending position and order of operations should be a seamless transfer from deadlift- make adjustments as needed. If suitable weight is not available, movement may also be scaled by shortening the distance between hands, always leaving the rear hand at the very end of the handle.

Mace 360 + extension: Goal is both strengthening our command over the mace, and reinforcing the difference between the correct starting position (holster) and an incorrect one (arms extended). Provided position is sound and proper tools are available- don’t under-lift.


1 minute battle rope
1 minute jumprope

Alternate between the two with no rest between until 750 jumprope are completed. Hustle harder, work shorter.

Any observed short-counts: 500 Jumprope and 50 burpee for everyone in the group.

And then, “Time under tension”:

25 Mace Good Morning @ self-scaled + 50 1-arm kettlebell swing @ 35lb. W, 55lb. M (5 x 5L, 5R)

If designated weight is not a cool-down weight, adjust accordingly.

Reminder! (Almost) all movements referenced above are linked to high-quality video demonstrations/ explanations!
Please use them to your advantage!